Love is a funny thing. ("It makes one man weak, and another man sing..." -obnoxious Huey Lewis lyrics. Rewind to the 1980's). In my opinion, it may be one of the most over used, over marketed, misunderstood and often flippant terms of the English language.
What is Love? ( don't hurt me... no more...) Ha, ok, enough with the cheesy lyrics. But SERIOUSLY. I could probably sit here and come up with a bazillion sets of song words, titles, poems, etc. to back up the various aspects of it.
I'm now going to be really honest. I haven't the foggiest idea what love is. Per se. Do I love? Yes. My Savior, my family, pasta, exercise, shopping, etc. Notice the decline in importance? While I'm aware that my humanity prevents me from being capable of loving the way Jesus loves me, my daily journey to love more like the Lord does has posed some interesting questions. Those questions are now causing me to evaluate what "love" is; thus sparking the age old debate between love/lust/infatuation/like, etc.
I've decided to identify & define examples of love to hopefully clear up my understanding and definition...
1. The Bible. The whole thing. Every word. Period.
2. The way Grandpa Pete spent every day of 52 years next to Grandma Helen's side. Especially the last of those 3 years as the Alzheimer's turned her into a vegetable. She lived at the nursing home. Basically, so did he.
3. The looks I see my parents give one another when they think no one notices. The random hand holding in the car, the occasional middle of the day phone call, the special trip for no reason. After 26 years of marriage, they are truly more in love than ever before.
4. The eye roll that Grammy Barb gives Grampy Paul when he comes home at 10:00 from the hospital. She tries so hard to act annoyed (because she usually is), but after 57 years of marriage, she's still not fooling anyone.
5. Grandpa Rex's complete inability to pick out clothes to wear or accomplish anything without Gramma Ruthie's assistance. He may have been able to be a corporate executive for 47 years, but let's be serious... he can't match socks with shoes. He needs her. He wants to need her.
6. My little cousin Jack's NEED to fill up his mom's drink. He'll fill it to the brim, then shove it in her face and say "here mom, take a sip"! Even at a young age, he wants to love her.
Is there a common theme here? Yes. Is it romance? No. Male/female interaction? No. It's servant-hood. It's the desire to serve because the love is so abundant. It's the ultimate manifestation of the so over-used 1 Corinthians 13. It's an unbelievable desire to be wanted, needed, cared for. Because the love is TRUE & GENUINE there is no self-seeking, self-fulfilling angle. Rather, there is this pure aspect of service; because ultimately one party gets what they want & need by providing what the other wants & needs. It's not about anything but making sure that other person has joy, feels fulfilled & is taken care of. That's all the lover desires. Is for the one whom they love to be completely at peace.
Love is a funny thing... it may not be "all you need", a "battlefield" or always "in the still of the night", but it IS "what makes the world go 'round" and it IS "powerful".