Monday, May 23, 2011

Red and Yellow, Black and White...

I need to give the following disclaimer as a preface to this post, as this is simply out of my own curiosity. It is in no way meant to be derogatory to any other human, race or ethnicity. I firmly believe that the Lord created all people in His image despite skin color, socioeconomic status, nationality, etc. This is not intended to belittle, attack or hurt anyone in anyway. I am simply curious. This may seem as extremely politically incorrect, but it is not meant to be so (though I don't care much about political correctness, just the feelings of others.)

(Now, if I get hauled off to jail, it won't be because my heart wasn't in the right place, but because my legal knowledge of disclaimers is so limited. But, hey... I tried!)

Ok, so, I have a question. Has anyone ever noticed that basically EVERY race has things that the Caucasian (or "white", if you will) does not? That the whole celebration of diversity can at times seem as though it's great to be anything BUT white? For instance (and not to single out African Americans, this is just an example... clearly I am petrified of being prosecuted over this blog post, despite living in a country that supposedly has "free speech". I just want to make certain that this is nothing more than an innocent observation.) that there is a Black Entertainment Channel... a Black Expo... Black History month? I heard on the news the other day of that May was Pacific Asian Awareness Month. I didn't know there was such a thing.

It's not that I am trying to imply that there is anything wrong with such things; there certainly isn't. Furthermore, I think it's important for people to be proud of their nationality and where they came from, because it's such an integral part of who they are as individuals. To take it one step further, I think the Lord wants us to "celebrate diversity" in the sense that He made us all equal and He wants us to live in Harmony with one another. I don't think he wants our differences to further divide us, rather to make us unique and appreciate one another more deeply. But, that's just my thought...

The point I am trying to make in this though, is that if I were to ever suggest a Caucasian History month, have a White Expo, or a White Entertainment Channel, I would be hauled off to the funny farm and have a mile high stack of lawsuits against me from the ACLU and every other anti-white person in the country. If such things for other races exist and aren't considered "supremacist" in nature, then why the double standard? What is so wrong with being white? Am I allowed to be proud of my heritage and nationality too without being presumed to have ties to extremists? Is it acceptable that I like my white skin that tans in the summer? I like my blue eyes?

Clearly, I don't mean to imply what dictators in the past have regarding blue eyes and blonde hair, but why is it that being white is such a negative? Not only that, but what's worse than being white today in America? Being a white male. Worse still? Being an educated white male? Worse even still? Being an affluent, educated white male. Even worse? Being an affluent, educated white male who believes in Jesus Christ. Those people can't get scholarships. Or jobs. Or recognition. Because somehow, being all of those things is so bad, the diversity cabinet has dubbed them as "not diverse". They don't "qualify" for whatever they are supposed to qualify for. Though I'm not a white male, I don't grasp why being so is such a horrible thing. Sure there are some awful white people. But aren't there awful people in every race? Furthermore, there are some wonderful white people... there are wonderful people of EVERY skin color, race, and ethnicity.

I know there was a time in our great nation that certain groups of people were oppressed and not treated fairly, and that truly does break my heart. But today, in such a "liberated" time, I don't understand why it's such a disadvantage to be of Caucasian descent. As a female (which apparently is my only diverse quality given that I'm educated, white and a Christian) who comes from Italians and Germans, I like my skin color. Funny thing is, is that I like other skin colors too, but I'm never going to be another color so I have chosen to embrace what I am. Is that really such a bad thing?

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Face of Evil

This post is slightly delayed, given that I had finals this week... but, better late than never.

Given the news late Sunday night the U.S. Navy Seals located and successfully took out Osama Bin Laden, a post was obviously warranted. Specifically the few days after that news, and still some close to a week later, my Facebook, Twitter, and other news medias were over-using many Martin Luther King Jr. quotes, song lyrics, (and I say this with great caution because the Lord's Word can never be over used, simply misused) but a lot of certain scripture passages.

Now, I am aware of the fact that life is sacred in the Lord's eyes, and that He views all of us (as sinners) the same. I am also aware of the Ten Commandments (one of which is "thou shall not kill"), so on and so forth. HOWEVER, lest we forget what happened on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. A day "that will live in infamy". I am not implying an "eye for an eye" philosophy here, simply reminding of the fact that Americans were brutally murdered for this psycho nut job head case's extremist beliefs.

That being said, there is a problem. Public relations and media call it the "war on terror". Call it what you will, but when good ol' William Jefferson Clinton was in office, he didn't feel the need to take Bin Laden out (my thoughts on that nut job later) so the freak show was still allowed to roam free and thus planned a massive attack on our freedom and the "western world".

Death is an ugly thing... regardless of how you look at it. But as an American (who happens to be a strong Christian) I will in NO WAY defend Bin Laden's life and existence. There is a problem, and in his specific instance, the only way to fix the problem was to make it so he could no longer continue his evil. Like it or not, Bin Laden wasn't a human; he was an evil, demon possessed being who should not be able continue to carry out his schemes and continue to murder innocent people. Not only will I not agree with those who defend his life, I will go so far as to PRAISE those (including Barack and Hillary, as much as it pains me) in leadership and even more so, those Navy Seals who literally risked their lives, AND all of our military who sacrifice on a daily basis to protect us in a job well done. What a BLESSING it is to live in a country who wants to protect its people and who will sacrifice to do so.

A simple "thank you" to all those who serve in no way communicates my gratitude and appreciation for all they do, but it is a start. America is truly the greatest nation in the world and I am SO blessed to be a part of it. Bin Laden was more than an enemy, and like it or not, the only way to beat said enemy was through death. As he cowardly threw one of his many wives in front of him, he went out in the fashion that was only suitable for the scum that he truly was.

The War on Terror is not near over, but thank you to those who serve and sacrifice to bring us that much closer to a victory.


No, I am not going to quote more Britney lyrics (though I will say I liked her earlier stuff more than her more recent releases, but whatev...) But I was thinking today. Sometimes you just need to do/have certain things in life... regardless of age, status, circumstance. And that's ok...

Sometimes, you just need to cry.
Sometimes, you just need a hug from your momma.
Sometimes, you just need to crawl in your daddy's lap.
Sometimes, you just need to hit something.
Sometimes, you just need a glass of wine.
Sometimes, you just need to sit in silence.
Sometimes, you just need to complain to your best friend.
Sometimes, you just need to be alone.
Sometimes, you just need to know you're loved.
Sometimes, you just need to hear you're beautiful.
Sometimes, you just need to read Dr. Seuss.
Sometimes, you just need to tell God you're scared, angry, hurt, etc.
Sometimes, you just need to be honest, even if the truth hurts.
Sometimes, you just need to go buy something.
Sometimes, you just need to use colorful language.
Sometimes, you just need to skip the gym.
Sometimes, you just need to gorge yourself on chocolate.
Sometimes, you just need to stay at home all day.
Sometimes, you just need to ignore your to-do list.
Sometimes, you just need to be mad for awhile.
Sometimes, you just need to sing obnoxiously loud.
Sometimes, you just need to go for a drive.
Sometimes, you just need to get some fresh air.
Sometimes, you just need to stay in bed.

Life is hard. People, words, and actions hurt. Badly. Sometimes, facing the next moment seems unbearable. Sometimes the fear, agony, worry, and stress can be paralyzing. But you should ALWAYS...
tell those you love, that you love them.
remember who matters and not care about the rest.
forgive those who hurt you, even if it takes awhile.
live each day as if you aren't going to see tomorrow.

And despite life's challenges, remember to NEVER...
stop believing in yourself.
stop loving others.
stop trusting in the One who gives you strength.
take yourself too seriously.

Sometimes we have to smile even when it hurts. Sometimes we have to let our guard down and allow ourselves to be hurt. Sometimes, things don't work out the way we'd wish. But despite that, our hope is from above and the promise I am going to choose to cling to is simply that He won't give me more than I can handle.

My thin skin hasn't thickened at all over the past 24 years. Little things, what people think, gossip, etc. still effect me in ways that you'd think my whole world was crashing down. But maybe someday, I will learn that it doesn't matter. For now, it's just going to have to be ok. Now is one of those "sometimes"...