This word comes with several stories behind it. Beth Anne knows the comical ones; where the word is appropriate yet so often over used by one of our most favorite people. His use of it is nothing less than precious, though I would contend, it may be time to find a new adjective... just sayin'...
In this particular moment, however, "special" is just down right absurd. My extended family? Yeah, well... they're special. As I was on the phone with my cousin yesterday, she used the word to describe her extremely challenging/borderline crazy mother as "special". What she REALLY meant was that she's NUTS and it was the nicest way she could think to put it. Essentially, it was the rated "G" version of her thoughts.
Given the latest turn of events, I think "special" could be used to describe the current circumstances. OR it could be used to discuss this bizarre new case. Regardless of how one looks at it, does anyone even really know the REAL meaning of the word?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Posted by kara leigh at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Snow, Snow, Snow, SNOWWWW
If you know me, you know my favorite movie of all time is "White Christmas". If you don't know me, then let me tell you: my favorite movie of all time is "White Christmas". It's the 1st movie to be made in color, it features some of the best talent, the cheesy/romantic undertones all centered around my favorite time of year make it irresistible to me. Pathetic, yet true, I can quote EVERY line, I know EVERY lyric by heart and I (at one point) knew every dance move. Don't get me wrong, the dances moves weren't smooth, but I knew them nonetheless.
It'd be really annoying to watch it with me, I'd guess, as I sit and say all the lines with all the characters, sing all the songs (and if you've heard me sing, you KNOW how bad that is), and occasionally I will jump off the couch and do a little jig.
I give all of that useless information as a precursor to this: SNOW. Part of the way into the movie, Bing, Rosemary, Vera, & Danny sing a song about snow. It's a cozy scene of the 4 on the train heading to Vermont. You can feel the attraction between characters as the scene descends from a point of tension. Given that it's in December and it's the Christmas season, it's fun and heart-warming. Given that we are currently half-way through February, it's not. I detest snow UNLESS it's between November 20 and January 1. Before or after, it's really not my thing.
But go figure; I live in Indiana. Where currently, there is almost a foot of snow on the ground. My favorite weatherman told me this morning that we just broke a record for snowfall in February. Well isn't that just fantastic. It takes twice as long to go ANYWHERE, my car turns a funny shade of gray due to the salt, and my lack of coordination proves dangerous when outside.
Interestingly enough, the winter Olympics are currently going on in CANADA where they brought in 150 truckloads of snow. Did I miss something here? 49 of the 50 states got snow last week... we got 3 (literally 3) winter storms in ONE (literally 1) week.
Spring, PLEASE hurry. Hurry before I lose what little sanity I have left. Bring rain; I don't care, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring temperatures above 50, no snow and something green (or at least something that looks alive) to the outside. MUCHAS GRACIAS.
Posted by kara leigh at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Quiet time?
When I think of "quiet time" I think of solitude, silence, & serenity. I do not think about getting hit upside the head with reality. My mistake. My thoughts have been shifted.
I am oh so slowly making my way through the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. My slow rate of movement can be attributed to a couple of things...
Thing 1: I struggle with consistency in my devotions (it is, however, improving)
Thing 2: It is DEEP. I don't want to miss any part of it so I re-read what I just read.
Thing 3: It hits me upside the head. Continuously. To the point of headaches. And heart aches.
SO, that being said, I'm working on it. I am enjoying the pain, as it is shedding light on a lot of "trials" I am currently wading through and it's caption is enough to knock anyone over: "overwhelmed by a RELENTLESS God". Relentless. As in HE (the creator of the universe) is NOT giving up on me. He's not leaving me. He's not forsaking me. And my oh my, He IS overwhelming. His majesty, his love, his grace, mercy, blessings; they're all in such great abundance that as soon as I fix my eyes on Him I am overwhelmed.
I strongly recommend it... more on this topic to come...
Posted by kara leigh at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dusting off my soapbox... it's coming back!
As previously discussed, I tend to be on the passionate side. Too much on that side at times. In reference back to some of my earlier posts, I have an opinion to voice in response to the Focus on the Family ad that had me all excited.
I liked the ad. Thought it was funny. In no way could it have been offensive to anyone. I don't think I'm saying that just because I agree with all involved parties, but I truly thought it was about as "chill" as it could have possibly been.
BUT, how dumb am I? (Don't answer that... it's a rhetorical question.) I should have KNOWN that some stupid someone somewhere would freak out about it. And ding, ding, ding, it was the feminazis at NOW (seen in the above picture).
I want to clarify a couple of things before I continue. First of all, I'm a Christian. Second, I admire and respect the Tebow family. Third, I STRONGLY disagree with abortion. Fourth, I have a good sense of humor. Fifth, I am an independent female who can survive without anyone (save my Lord from that statement; Jesus Christ is my rock and I can't survived without Him). HOWEVER, I am old-fashioned and I do not want chivalry to die. In NO way am I a feminist, and certainly not a femiNAZI. Therefore, this unfortunate breed is (thankfully) not in any way connected to me. I believe that everyone has a right to have their own opinion (assuming it's educated) however, I don't have to like it/agree with it.
I mean really... violence against women?! These messed up, menstrual beings are attacking the TEBOW FAMILY for violence against women? Come now... I thought I had heard it all...
Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
Obama's inability to take his inaugural oath without a practice round
Jessica Simpson's "chicken of the sea"
...and I could go on. However, I don't think the stupidity in those 3 things combined can even begin to compare to accusing a family who is known for their faith, gentle spirits, humanitarian work, sacrifices, integrity, etc. for somehow promoting violence against women.
EVEN IF I didn't agree with/like the Tebows & Focus on the Family, I would say this: unfortunately, there are TONS of instances when violence against women is not only portrayed, but often encouraged. WHY on earth is NOW not attacking them?! I mean, Snoop Dogg can show up to an awards show with 2 women who have collars around their neck hooked to leashes; songs can contain whatever lyrics they like as "personal expression" and celebrities who beat their wife can get out of charges by claiming the women deserved what they got.
Is it just me or is something TOTALLY wrong with this picture? Is our society so unfamiliar with someone standing up for and actually doing the right thing that the concept can't be fathomed? Are we so conditioned to believe everyone has (negative) ulterior motives we don't believe it's even possible for a human to do the right thing for the right reason and actually believe in something?
I certainly hope that's not the case...
Posted by kara leigh at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
"a little too irconic, yeah I really do think...."
I am an extremely passionate & opinionated... to say the least, the very least. Now, in recognizing this strength/flaw (however one chooses to look at it), I try my best to never be ignorant on something if I'm going to have an opinion. In my little brain, the right to be opinionated isn't a right. It's a privilege that comes with knowledge. (Ignorance is one of my biggest pet peeves, judgemental-ness is a close second...)
FOR INSTANCE: If I don't know someone, I can't like/dislike them. I need to be a neutral party until I have enough experience to form thoughts (what others say isn't enough for me). OR public education/state schools... I went to a private college because that was best for me. I have no basis to form opinions on whether or not it is good or bad.
That being said, I consider myself relatively informed on certain social issues, politics, and some politicians. I don't think so highly of myself or have any disillusions that I'm an expert, but I feel I have enough information in my grasp on which to make an informed opinion.
With ALL of that background information, I find it EXTREMELY ironic/oximoronic that Hillary Clinton of ALL people would be the keynote speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I have the authority to judge where she stands in terms of a faith or religious views. I most certainly do not and will not. I form my opinion on the basis of the statements she makes and the stand she's chosen to take on issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc. On top of all of that, to have Tim Tebow (especially en lieu of the current outrage of the left-wing American media over the Tebow's Superbowl ad) as the closing speaker is more than I can wrap my mind around.
There was a 22-yr. old, recent college graduate at a table with the people who essentially rule the world. If that wasn't divine intervention, I don't know what is. I don't believe in coincidence, but I do believe in irony. And THIS qualifies as a line to put into Alanis' song, "Ironic".
Posted by kara leigh at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Superbowl BOUND! :)
Having grown up, gone to school & stayed (for some unknown, yet absurd reason) in Indiana for 23 years, I know 1st hand about the lack of excitement that is around here. That being said, it doesn't take much to become excited... "it's the little things". However, when your team makes it to the Superbowl (regardless of where you're from/currently reside) it IS a big deal and it IS exciting.
Lucky for me, I live in the city and am a huge fan of the Indianapolis Colts and hot dog... we're in the 2010 Superbowl! We are back to Miami only 3 years after we won against the Bears. Even if one isn't a football fan (though I am), the city is alive with enthusiasm and it's a lot of fun to see our hometown boys on the national scene.
Seeing how people respond, however, is absolutely half of the excitement. All of the parochial schools are closed on "Super Monday", IPS has a 2 hour delay, & some aren't allowed to wear blue on "Super Friday". Now, let's take a logical look at this: the game doesn't start until 6:15ish, tag on all of the commercials (namely the FOF one featuring the Tebows), the halftime show, etc., we will be fortunate to have it all over before 11:00 p.m.
What child is going to go to bed during that? Granted I'm not a parent, but I don't know of any. Furthermore, these kids who are used to 8-9 hours of sleep at night, would be totally worthless on Monday morning. Blue is a primary color. What is SO wrong with giving them a little extra sleep so the time they DO spend at school is more worthwhile and allowing them to wear one of the 3 base colors on the colorwheel??
All of these parents are FREAKING out about kids missing 2 hours of school on ONE morning when in all honesty, their kids aren't going to learn anything then anyways. Uniforms? I mean really? How often does something of this caliber happen in this forsaken state? Give me a break. Let the kids sleep (props to the private schools for giving the whole day) and let them show some team pride... we should be thankful there's something to have pride in!
Posted by kara leigh at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Through the eyes of a child...
As I start the 2nd month of a new decade, I am still overwhelmed with much... good, bad, and otherwise. I have found that 24 hours in a day aren't enough, I have watched several dreams be shattered, and I continue allow myself to be hurt by others.
While I am totally aware that my Jesus is in control, and that regardless of what the future holds, HE is the one who holds the future. I still seem to struggle with surrendering to that knowledge. To put aside all of my wants and desires and just "roll with it". It reminds me of a conversation I had this summer with my little protege, Callie, when she said, "Miss Kara, when I grow up, I want to be just like you". I laughed and said, "no, Callie, you are going to be WAY cooler than me". To which she responded, "yeah, you're probably right".
I have wondered many times why she'd ever say something like that. Why anyone would ever want to be like me? I have a list of failures ten miles long, a list of successes that fits on a post-it note, and no evident talents/strengths/gifts. I close my eyes and dream dreams that when I put my feet back onto planet earth I realize will never come true. I trust, just to be let down. I try, but I fail. Though I am aware mentally that the Lord loves me & I believe His word when He tells me I was created in His image, I have the hardest time wrapping my emotional intelligence (or lack there of) around it.
Then it occurred to me, that like Callie, Jesus looks at me through the eyes of a child. That six year old little girl doesn't really care what I've done/not done/succeeded at/failed at... rather, she loves me. Just because. I love on her, listen to her, put make up on her, haul her around on my back, and all of those little things that I don't give another thought to seem to be treasures in her young heart. Much that way, Jesus loves me because I am His. He doesn't care if I fail, fall down, or royally mess up because He knows that (though I don't always act like it) I desire in my heart to love, follow, and worship him.
Now, if only I could learn to see through those same, young eyes. If I could see obstacles, trials, and valleys as they are. If I could rejoice in success and be invigorated by failure. I feel as though I have a childlike faith in that I don't demand evidence (maybe because I'm simply not that intelligent) but I truly believe His word to be true. That being said, I ask: God, please, give me the eyes of a child...
Posted by kara leigh at 3:46 PM 0 comments