Thursday, December 8, 2011

Continuation of my last post...

Christianity isn't about preaching "I'm right, and you're wrong", it's about demonstrating Christ's love to others in His name.

After reading Jen Engel's article about Tim Tebow, this morning, she said something that I couldn't agree with more... to the point of wanting to stand up in my room and cheer: "The level of discourse about religion in this country is frankly embarrassing; a bastard child of political discourse."

It's nauseating to me that people would mock "Tebowing", not because it's not nice to make fun of others, but because it IS mocking God. It's mocking the mere idea of appreciation, that regardless of your religious faith, is something that should be a part of EVERYONE's lives.

I am so guilty of not only placing Christ far down on my priority list, not only of sinning daily, but of not expressing the appreciation to Him for all He has done for me (uh, hello death on the cross to save me from condemnation), but of not expressing appreciation in general. I am not in any way trying to be preachy (this is just as much to myself as anyone else, I'm just as guilty if not moreso; so let's clarify that I am not putting myself on a higher level here)... all I am saying is, is that let's leave the faith aspect out of this for a second; just imagine what America would be like if everyone started showing just a little more appreciation.... less entitlement (which is so out of control it's nauseating) and more appreciation. Clearly it wouldn't change everything, but it's a start, right? You don't have to like, love, agree with, or appreciate others' perspectives, but would appreciating them as humans (made in Christ's likeness) and showing some respect be so bad? Regardless of whether they're Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu, etc.?

Appreciation is something we are called to as Christians, but it's also something we're called to as humans regardless of the faith (or lack there of) that you exercise. What goes in line with that is simple respect. Respect and appreciation... aren't those things we learned in kindergarten (basic manners, keep your hands to yourself, it's not nice to make fun of others)? Seems that way to me...