Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Procrastination Induced Soapbox

While at the gym this morning, I was focused more on the TV than my reading (shocking, I know). Anyways, after watching some of the headlines, it dawned on me... The government is so obsessed with the idea of controlling the funds made in the private sector thus punishing those who work so hard, in the name of handing that money over to those they deem entitled. What's worse? The government does not mandate how those funds are spent.

Think about it... We have an obesity epidemic in this country, especially in children, but food stamps are able to be spent on Oreos' & Mt. Dew. The money itself can be spent on lottery tickets, tattoos & designer clothing. Does this not seem slightly oxymoronic?

It seems as though, if you work hard for your money, you forgo the right to spend it as you wish (e.g. lottery tickets & tattoos if that's your thing) as opposed to if it's given to you, you can do what you want because you have the Vacationer in Charge's sympathy. Does anyone really want pity? What good is a handout if it facilitates further handouts and doesn't end up doing anything but making the problem worse?

I'm not saying, I'm just saying...after all, it wasn't the entrepreneurs who created what they had, it was the government, right? Isn't the government having all the power what democracy is all about? Oh my bad, I must have been mistaken...