Monday, February 21, 2011

#2: Deodorant

Another thing I love about America, is its embrace for deodorant (and personal hygiene in general), but specifically the pH balanced goodness that prevents the stench. Again, I understand that Americans certainly aren't the only people to embrace the stuff, nor were we necessarily the rocket scientists who came up with it, but the stuff is GOOD.

I would go so far as to say whoever it was who did create it, should probably win an award (I'd suggest the Nobel Peace prize, but then again, those are given to people who don't do or know anything, ahem Obama...) so I'm not going to go there. But honestly, think about it... at the risk of being so politically uncorrect that my blog gets shut down and I get arrested for being a white Christian girl, I won't single out any specific cultures or races, but in case you haven't noticed, there are SOME in this world who don't utilize the gift of deodorant... even while in this country! (On a side note, my only beef with them is their body odor, I truly have nothing against nor am I prejudice towards any specific group of people.)

I know that "smells"probably aren't a crucial deal in the long run of life per se, but just think about it: how many different times, circumstances, situations, etc. has some form of a stench made or broken your experience? I mean hellooooo warm garlic and butter when you walk into Biaggi's. Hellooooooo dark chocolate and fruit when you walk into DeBrand's. Helloooooo person at the gym next to you who ate Biaggi's last night (EW!).

If you have ever been around someone who hasn't exercised their right to use deodorant, you know exactly what I'm talking about... it's a struggle to breathe it in, and while I can't speak for others, it makes my stomach think it's an olympic gymnast that needs to do an entire floor routine of jumps, flips, and cartwheels.

Furthermore, deodorant is like America (oh yes, I took it there): it comes in all shapes, colors, sizes, style and scents (notice I say "scents", not "odors"). Stick, solid, white, clear, men's, women's, travel size, value size, fierce ice, powder fresh, etc. It's like we can compare the Wal-Mart aisle of deodorant to our melting pot of folks!

So all in all, I'm extremely thankful for the stuff. I know it's a little thing, but they say (who ever "they" are) that it's the "little things in life", and this "little thing" can make or break a situation and any innocent bystander's temporary well-being.