Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Series

To get myself off of my ranting soapbox and away from complaining, I've decided to try a new series of posts entitled "Why I love America", because I do. Frankly, if I didn't have the health of a rotten banana, I probably would have wanted to get into some form of service to my country, but they put stipulations on entrance to keep people like me out of there (who can blame them... why should they have to pay for my medical bills when the taxpaying public can do that? Oh wait, they don't... why again? Oh, yep, I forgot... I'm not on Medicaid).

Anywho, so many people in the world have negative feelings towards America & Americans. What's worse, is that so many of the people in the world who have such negative feelings are IN this country and Americans themselves! So, I have decided, that since I'm not one of those people, I am going to send a friendly public service reminder to the world wide web (and myself since no one really reads this blog and it's essentially nothing more than my personal journal) that America and her people are WONDERFUL! So many have sacrificed so that we may live in such a wonderful place and I think it's time I stop taking it for granted.

So, post one, here we go: I LOVE AMERICAN TOILETS. Yep, that's right. The porcelain throne. The john. The potty... whatever you'd like to call it. While I understand and respect the fact that America isn't the only place who has these above ground white seats that gracefully flush away our excretions, and it may not have been an American who created it, HOWEVER, they are a staple in this country. Unless you go to some far-left liberal hippie compound, where ever you are, you can use the restroom on a toilet as opposed to an outhouse or WORSE, a hole in the ground.

Following a conversation with my Grammy today, as she was relaying the time (mind you, this was last year) that she fell into a hole in the ground "potty" while backpacking in Nepal, it reminded me of the first time I attempted to use a similar set-up while in China. I demanded that a friend accompany me on this emotionally scarring endeavor, and would you believe, I slipped and got my foot stuck in the whole? Yes, that's right. All over my foot. My jeans. The floor. Ugh, what a mess.

I understand that I'm not Jillian Michaels, but I do spend exorbitant amounts of time at the gym, being active, and focused on fitness. That being said, I should have the balance to squat over a hole. But, alas, I dun't (said in my best Ricky Ricardo impression).

So to really begin my miniseries with a bang, today (and everyday for that matter) I am thankful for America and her toilets. Can I get an AMEN!?