Thursday, April 14, 2011

Beautiful Disaster

Though you don't need to know me well to know that I am not musically gifted, you still don't have to know much to know how I love and relate to music. I'm addicted to it... all different types, depending on my mood/circumstance/emotional state. I find that music is able to communicate what I'm thinking or feeling when I am unable... it's a universal connector among all humans and it's beautiful.

Said beauty is clearly demonstrated in the song "Beautiful Disaster" by Jon McLaughlin. One of my favorite artists, the song has been around for several years, but there is a line in it that I keep coming back to... "perfect only in her imperfection". I love his piano playing, his real life applications, etc., but that one stanza is what makes that song my favorite. That's me... I don't know if I'm a "beautiful disaster" a "hot mess" or a "____ show" (maybe it depends on the day?) One thing I know for fact, regardless of anything: I am PERFECT. Yep, I said it, PERFECT. Absolutely PERFECT in one aspect: IMPERFECTION.

That reality is somewhat discouraging, somewhat humbling, somewhat frustrating, somewhat obvious... but nonetheless, it's me.

She would change everything, everything, just ask her
Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster
She would change everything for happy ever after
Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster