Thursday, April 21, 2011

'Til Death Do You Part...

"I, _____, take you, _____, to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife. To have and to hold, from this day forth. For better, for worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health; forsaking all others. To love and to cherish 'til death do us part."

On April 21, 1985, my parents spoke those words (or something similar) to one another. Though I wasn't there to witness it, the 27 years following that moment have proven to me how seriously they took those vows. They were vows to each other, to the Lord, and to the several hundred people in attendance that day.

They made a commitment that day; not based on a fleeting emotion, butterflies in their stomach, wings on their shoes... but a physical/mental/emotional/spiritual commitment to love and remain faithful to one another as long as they both live on this earth. 9,855 days later (and counting) they are honoring that promise.

As a child, I remember thinking it was SO gross that they'd hold hands in the car, or that my dad would kiss my mom good night. And ugh, they'd get all dressed up and go on these dates... EW. Daddy would send her flowers for no reason (gag) and Momma would cuddle up to him on the couch just because. Looking back, I remember being mortified at their "romance". Moms & Dads aren't supposed to do that, I thought. But when I see it now, I can't help but smile and utter a prayer of thanksgiving that not only are they still married, they are still IN love.

My Grammy said to me not long ago, that "after all these years of marriage, divorce is simply not an option. However, I have yet to rule out murder..." and hey, after 59 (almost 60) years of marriage, I think she's entitled to that feeling. But nonetheless, regardless of whether they love or hate each other at any given moment, they've stuck it out. How rare is it today to find parents and grandparents in the same family who are still married to their original partner? Who promised each other that divorce was simply not going to be an option? With 50% of marriages ending in divorce in the U.S., it's sad. What's even more heart-breaking, though, is that the statistic is now "over half" of all "Christian" marriages end in divorce. What a tragedy!

I am so thankful to have had such amazing role models in my life in so many aspects, but the example of marriage, fighting and working it out, sticking with it during tough times, and loving one another despite life's challenges that I have is more valuable than can be expressed in words. Happy 27th anniversary to my Daddy and Momma... here's to 127 more years!

But forever you and I will be the ones
Who found out what forever means
When I said I do, I meant that I will 'til the end of all time
Be faithful and true, devoted to you
That's what I had in mind when I said I do