Friday, June 24, 2011

A Mother's Love

Clearly (and thankfully) I have no idea what it's like to be a mother or love in the way mother's love their children. I have been so blessed to not only have a wonderful mother, but a wonderful best friend who happens to be my momma. Never once have I ever doubted her love for me (though I know I drive her crazy, so I'm sure there are times she may not like me too well :)). But nonetheless, come hell or high water, my mom is there for me; no matter what.

When I was a little girl, she used to read me this book, and she still quotes from it today...
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as you're living, my baby you'll be."
If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

I preface this post with that because that is my point of reference. This Caylee/Casey/Cindy Anthony story is sickening... to say the least. But the latest twist is what sparks my thoughts... Cindy Anthony is now claiming to have researched chloroform... she is now willing to engage in purgery to save her daughter from the death penalty. She loves her daughter so much, that she's willing to sacrifice everything... just for the sake of keeping her alive.

What's even more ironic to me, is that this mother is willing to make such a sacrifice all over the case of her daughter brutally murdering her own child. There isn't a doubt in my (nor apparently many others' either) mind that Casey is as guilty as O.J. is (and on a side note, I hope that justice is served this time as it wasn't in the O.J. case).

How a mother could harm let alone kill her child is beyond me; and I'm not even a mother myself. Now this cold-blooded killer's mother is willing to sacrifice everything just to save the one thing the other so flippantly disposed of. Does anyone find this as bizarre that I do? What Mrs. Anthony is doing (though unethical in terms of honesty and the oath that she took) is what I understand a mother's love to be... selfless, sacrificial, and unwavering. What exactly would one call the lack of love and regard for human life that Casey has/had? That, I can not wrap my mind around.