Thursday, May 10, 2012

Read with caution...

DISCLAIMER: What I am about to say, is likely not to be well-liked, agreed with, or politically correct. I don't apologize, as this is my blog and I chose to write about it; however, I don't mean to be blatantly offensive or rude. These are my thoughts, and if you don't like them, you are in no way required to read them.

That being said...Can I say something? Why yes, I can. And I will. Here goes.... I am sick and tired of people like me. I'm sick and tired of myself for being this way, and I'm sick and tired of those who are this way; some who are aware of it and others who are completely ignorant to it.

I am sick and tired of these people, who call themselves "Christians" or "Christ followers" or "Believers" who feel the need to judge, act holier than thou, and while they may be kind to those in a third world country on a mission trip, they are not to people they don't deem "worthy" or "good enough". For some reason, they choose (yes, it's a choice... I'll explain later) to not like someone and instead of being polite, they are nothing short of rude. They break friendships, gossip, put people down, ignore, and belittle the best they know how.


Now, hear me on this... I am just as guilty (unfortunately) of having done this to people before, for which I am really sorry and while I take full responsibility, I would like to put some of the blame on a lack of maturity and my underlying insecurity. But I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about certain people who I have in mind who have chosen to be this way... for what reason? Not a clue. Literally, NO idea. It's completely acceptable for them to do what they want, how they want, with whom they want, and when they want... but if you aren't pretty enough, pure enough, holy enough, funny enough, wealthy enough, connected enough (so on and so forth), you pretty much suck. I've watched these people hurt people that I care about and I've felt their actions personally.

You don't know have to know me well to know that I don't get mad easily, I avoid conflict at all costs, and it takes a lot of work for me to not like someone... on the same note however, if any of those are achieved, it's pretty much placed in stone.

What's even more bizarre about this... that actually prompted this post, is that I have seen this in guys a lot more than girls. The person who is the spokesperson of this concept to me popped onto my radar today and I got honked. The humor in this, is that despite there once being a "friendship", all of the things that he bases his judgements on, I "win" on all of them. (Apparently it's a competition... who knew?) He has managed to make quite a name for himself... but thanks to his good looks and charisma, he continues to use people in any facet that suits him. I should specify, however, that this was someone that I have never been involved with nor been interested in... simply a friendship. And his group of friends. Lord have mercy... they're all the same! And boy, do they think they're something. SOMETHING. (I could tell you what they are, but I'd have to answer for it later.)

As I said, I'm not perfect and I certainly mess up daily; I have many regrets and wish I could redo a lot of things in my life, but I will also say, that I do my best to treat people with respect... regardless of my feelings towards them. Liking someone is a choice. Some may disagree, but let me explain... you can't help who you "love" or have feelings for. You can't help who you "click with" or are "attracted to". But you can choose whether or not you simply like someone; in the sense that you respect them as a person and whether or not they become your favorite person alive is neither here nor there.

What breaks my heart about this (hence why I went on a rant), is that these people (this specific person, his group of people, and others) are those Christians. The ones who put themselves on such a pedestal, that there's no room to love others; they've wasted all their love on themselves. Therefore, people who may not know the Lord see this,  and they are suddenly turned off... but really, who can blame them? Yet again, I would love to say that I don't live in a way in other regards that wouldn't do the same, but I can't say that honestly. I'm simply speaking to this specific point. If people like that can offend me and make me not want to associate myself with other "Christians" despite being raised in the church, imagine what else it's doing?

Self-love, acceptance, and respect are important, yes, but your job, appearance, and connections don't make you any better than anyone else; especially from the humorous aspect that they aren't that great relative to others. At the end of the day, what is gained? Nothing. Unless you count pain, anger, and distaste.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.