Friday, May 11, 2012

Whatever floats your boat?

School has really hindered my keeping up with the news, however I do catch a few headlines at the gym in the mornings... and the past two days, I've been hearing about this judge in Virginia who has decided that the Ten Commandments should be knocked down to six; to remove the first four which are the ones that mention "God" by name.

There is so much wrong with that simple statement, I almost don't know where to begin. So, FIRST of all, let's talk about this "God" thing. I believe in Him for who I know Him to be, and that those Ten Commandments are divinely inspired, so I'd better adhere. Period. However, in today's society, culture has seemed to dictate that "god" can be defined as however you want him to be. Literally, whatever floats your boat. So if that's how people choose to look at things, then why should it matter if those commandments are there? If god is the tree you don't want to cut down, then why should it not be mentioned?

SECONDLY, does anyone see any irony about the fact that there would be six remaining? I don't mean to be all hocus pocus here, but isn't "6" a pretty bad number? Especially when multiplied by 111? I'm just saying, the evil in the principle to alter the Law of the Lord is not in anyway masking itself. Personally, I find it nothing short of uncanny and creepy. Dude, "here's your sign". Hello!

THIRD, um, really? This is a question? Altering the Ten Commandments, of all things, to fit what someone wants, just because? Shocker that this is connected to an ACLU lawsuit (Anti-Christian Losers Union, as I would call them). Are we really to that point? Not only do we have "creative spelling", and our own interpretations of the law, we now have our own versions of scripture? I know I shouldn't be surprised by this, but I am.

I haven't decided yet if I'm more concerned/bothered, fire-raving pissed off, or terrified by this. All of the above? Things were bad when people decided to alter the Constitution of our great nation, but now people are taking on GOD'S WORD?! Whoa. Some conglomeration of stupidity, craziness and insane pride have come together to fight the Lord. Not fight Christians, not fight legal principles, but GOD HIMSELF. Really?! If those first four are sinking the boat you want to float, your boat has already struck an iceberg and sank. Done-zo. That boat don't float, sir. Heck to the no.