Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sunshine & Lollipops

Per my can't handle conflict even if there isn't conflict per se attitude, I figured my last post may have been a little over the top. I meant what I said, but I'm going to pull the PMS card and blame it on that. ;)

So onto happy things... you know, like Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows... everything is wonderful when we're together... (if anyone outside of me actually knows that song, I will scream with excitement.) Both before and after today's earlier (and completely random, so I know it had to have been emotion driven) rant, I was thinking about how blessed I am and how absolutely crazy it is to see how God "works for the good of those who love Him".

Since my favorite question is "why", I think that's only appropriate here. WHY does He love me? One wouldn't have to read far into these ramblings to see I'm not exactly a gem. I have the ability to be extremely unlovable... yet the Maker of all loves me so much He gave me sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows NOT to mention His only son, grace, and forgiveness.

WHAT THE HECK IS WITH THAT?! (Theme question for the day.)

I don't know what's with that, but whatever "it" is, I am BEYOND grateful! During our weekly date last night, my Dad and I were talking about the Footprints poem and how I have truly been carried through waters that threatened to drown me. I'm humbled by that... almost to the point of tears, because I am the last person on earth who deserves something like that. Rather, what I deserve is unable to be put into words, it's so horrific. I go on rants over stupid things.... essentially talking about "specs" in other's eyes when I seem to have a lumberyard of pranks in my own. I whine. I complain. I take for granted. I gossip. I am selfish. Despite my motives, I tend to mess up in every imaginable area; seemingly worse than the time before. YET, somehow, the Lord still wants to have a relationship with me? To say that I'm baffled would be a great understatement.

I considered going on another rant (in case you haven't noticed, I'm good at it and our president has been giving me a lot to work with), but then I thought... why? Who cares what I think? No one. Should they? Absolutely not. Except for this one thing... though it isn't a matter of "caring" per se, the knowledge of Christ is good to have. And frankly, I should probably publicly ask for forgiveness for the 97 previous blog posts of ranting, raving, yelling, hooting, hollering, complaining, whining, judging, belittling, disrespecting, and venting.

Life may not be sunshine and lollipops all the time, but mine is full of them, and I am thankful.