Monday, January 4, 2010

Everyone else is doing it...

Due to several of the blogs I read, the "hot topic" seems to be where Timmy is going in the NFL.

Well thank goodness we have at least established he is going. Enough of the "is he capable?" discussions. If he is capable to do what he's done thus far, I can't imagine (though I may not have the right to say since I haven't ever played football myself), that the requirements are that MUCH greater than what he has already proven.

I mean, that's logic, right??

Well, personally, I hope he goes to Jax. It's where he belongs. It's his home. His family is there. They need "butts in the seats" and the marketing empire he will be bringing with him will do just that. Furthermore, the Jags offense needs to be rebuilt. What better way than to rebuild it around a stand out athlete who isn't "typical NFL QB material"?

Again... logic.

Finally, if he chooses to go to New England, I will have a MAJOR moral dilemma on my hands. As much as I admire him, my conscience will not allow me to support them. (Interestingly enough, this has nothing to do with the fact that I am a Colt's fan... everything to do with the fact that I am an integrity fan...)