Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The stupid Staples' "that was easy" button.

<--Back when things were easy. Exhibit A of what happens when things change and how "easy" does not exist.

We've all seen the annoying commercials, or worse... people in our office have one. Those blasted red buttons that when pushed say "that was easy". I'd like to drop kick their inventor.

I am stressed. Super stressed. There is no such thing as "easy". Period. In fact, I could use one of those buttons right now and switch 'easy' to 'stinking hard'! Come on... isn't that a little more accurate?

The Lord never promised that it'd be easy.... and that's because He knew it wouldn't be. While I'm aware He'll never give me more than what I can handle, I am also aware I may be quickly approaching that threshold. (Just for the record...)

In the interim, I will keep my eyes and ears on alert for a situation that comes along when that button is applicable. Otherwise, I think we should collect all of them and throw them into the sea with 100 lb. dumbbells attached so that they may never resurface.