Monday, January 4, 2010

Global Warming My Tail!

<--Global warming at it's finest (50's & rainy on the lake July 4th... I mean come on, really?!)

Because this is my blog, that gives me the right to write whatever I feel so led to write. And if you don't like it, then don't read it. (I'm obviously talking to my zero readers, which makes me feel that much better about spouting off!)

OK... let's be legit. Global warming is NOTHING more than a political game. There is no such thing. Never has been, never will be. The earth is a living thing that goes through cycles, but I will go ahead and say (with nothing more than a bachelor's degree in marketing, with certainly no training in any type of science) that it is pretty impossible. Try telling that to the people in Jacksonville, FL who woke up to 26 degrees this morning. OR to the east coast who just got HAMMERED with a blizzard 2 weeks ago. OR to me. Who is dealing w/ single digit temperatures, sub-zero windchills and from what I hear, negative actual temperatures are on their way. The weather people call it "polar". The news report this morning said "warmer" on Wednesday when the high is 26. When 26 degrees becomes warm, is when global warming is disproved once and for all. If 26 is warm, we are all in a BUNCH of trouble.